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Growing Your Life Like a Garden

This month I felt drawn to share the inspiration and solace I’ve found in spending time in my garden. There is something so magical that occurs when we take time to connect with the earth and participate in the process of watching plants grow, thrive, and produce flowers and food. I have sought this connection more than usual recently as I process the recent passing of two close friends in April. We are not taught how to grieve and celebrate life through death, and yet we witness this process of death, growth, and rebirth throughout nature.

Image: From the Garden Shed | Photographer: Tara O'Grady Photography

With my summer box collections taking shape for June, I am even more aware of the energy that each box holds. Everything we experience in nature is a vibration, and when we connect to the natural world, it awakens a sense of our own natural life force. As we enter May, do you find yourself in a stage of growth, rebirth, or quiet processing?

I witness that even after death, new life emerges. If you too find yourself in need of support as you process, Magnolia essence is a beautiful choice to help elevate and uplift your vibration. Magnolia trees are truly stunning to witness, from bright pink majestic flowers to deep fragrant lush green foliage that will pull you in with delight.




Keeping with our garden theme, this month I’m offering 20% off citronella, a wonderful fragrance for spring, and an excellent bug repellant. Citronella blends well with rosemary, geranium, sweet orange, and other citrus oils to create blends that clear the space and uplift.

I use citronella religiously when I garden as it drops me deeper into my connection with the earth. I am fascinated by the new blooms and buds I get to witness emerge for me to admire. It is also a very effective way to keep the bugs at bay and even discourages pets from disturbing your newly planted garden beds. Another use is to add 20 drops of citronella into your pet’s shampoo to keep them free from fleas and ticks.



If you’re keen to stock up on other essential oils this month, I recommend sweet orange, eucalyptus, geranium, and grapefruit. Their positive and upbeat aromas stimulate and energize the brain to increase concentration and uplift your mood.

ALLERGIES: Oils with cooling qualities, such as Eucalyptus and Peppermint, are commonly used to address other common symptoms of allergies. The energizing, anti-inflammatory properties of Eucalyptus may help to reduce respiratory discomforts and body aches. Our Wheeze essential oil blend is also a great one to use during allergy season.

TICKS: Geranium, Citronella, and Clove essential oils not only smell great but are also known to be natural tick repellents.

SUNBURN: Both Chamomile and Lavender essential oils both have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to help treat sunburn.

I send you my love from my garden, and time this month to nourish your own roots in support of growing the life you desire.



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